In 1963, at the urging of her followers, Andelin wrote and self-published Fascinating Womanhood. She began leading small discussion groups for women at her church. Andelin took her new-found happiness as a sign that it was her religious duty to share these principles with other women. He bought her gifts and hurried home from work to be with her. She applied the principles from the booklets and found that her disinterested husband became loving and attentive.

As she studied a set of women’s advice booklets from the 1920s, Andelin had an epiphany that not only changed her life but also affected the lives of millions of American women. A religious woman, she fasted and prayed for help. In 1961, Helen Andelin, housewife and mother of eight, languished in a lackluster, twenty-year-old marriage. Annotation ©2015 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR () There are notes, a bibliography, and photos. There are six chapters: beginnings the ideal woman (from a man’s point of view) everywoman’s Heaven on earth heyday enemies Farmville.
Largely based on a set of advice booklets from the 1920s, called The Secrets of Fascinating Womanhood or the Art of Attracting Men: a Practical Course of Lessons in the Underlying Principles by Which Woman Attract Men-Leading to the Proposal and Culminating in Marriage, Andelin added biblical writings, testimonials from other women, advice from her husband, and trial and error to create the formula for marital success that made her famous. Neuffer aims to add to the discussion of how women have participated historically in public reform as she looks in depth at Andelin’s movement. As the coexistent anti-Friedan figure Andelin illuminated the sixties’ responses to politics, war, same-sex marriage, and intellectualism that linger in the present century. Drawing on a rich cache of letters, personal files, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, photos, and family records, Neuffer provides a scholarly look at the philosophy and motivation of Helen Andelin, founder of the Fascinating Womanhood movement.